Vote ‘Yes’ for Noblesville Schools

To the Editor:

This fall, Noblesville Schools is putting a referendum before all of us who call Noblesville home. The purpose is to increase school security, address mental health in the school population, and to help retain teachers in our school system.

As a life-long Noblesville resident and NHS graduate, I know the value of a great school system. As a local business person, I know that we need to help prepare our young people for a productive life, hopefully here in Noblesville. I believe that a strong school experience gets people on the right path for that productive life.

The referendum will generate an average increase for Noblesville property owners of about $185 per year. In my opinion, that is a small investment on our part to help ensure that we provide the strong school experience for our young people now and into the future.

Please vote Yes on the referendum in November.

Jay Merrell

Vice President, IDI Composites International
