Nation fractured over Kavanaugh? No way

The County Line

To listen to the national mainstream news media you would think that America is deeply divided and being torn apart as never before over the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

I don’t see it, especially not here. Some would say Hamilton County is not typical of the nation as a whole. But, our communities are typical of middle America, and you might say the best of America.

Most of this media hype about division and discord is distorted. The people I talk to are not upset over the Kavanaugh appointment. Some may not have supported him for various reasons, but they are not ready to take to the streets.

The fact is the nation has faced much more divisive times. Many of us can remember the late 1960s when there was real division over war and race relations. Those were times of serious civil unrest.

Going back further, there was the greatest time of social upheaval when we experienced the Civil War. The nation separated over slavery and states’ rights and fought a bloody war before the country was reunited.

So, this Supreme Court appointment is a tempest in a teapot compared to some events of the past. Relatively few partisans, mostly on the east and west coasts, are pictured and quoted on the news screaming and yelling, but these are the folks who protest over most any action taken by the Trump administration.

We will get through this. And, as usual, folks in this community and most of the country will keep their heads and simply let the controversy blow over. And, we’ll be better off if the major news networks quit portraying it as a national crisis, and just cool it a little.