Wayne Township Board candidate wants more government transparency

Dear Editor:

I had the opportunity to attend the Wayne Township Board meeting on Thursday, Sept. 27 and left with some concerns I wanted to share with fellow residents.

The meeting was slated as a discussion about the 2019 budget, but no copies were made available to meeting attendees. Some of us requested copies, but were told by the trustee that our options were to have read it online ahead of the meeting or read a single copy posted to the door of the building, both of which were prohibitive to productive discussion that evening.

As a Wayne Township resident and candidate for Wayne Township Board, I insist on increased transparency from our government officials. Our public officials work for us, and we need to hold them accountable to the highest standards of transparency at meetings like the one I’ve described and in all of their activities on behalf of the township.

The township budget is a public document that is subject to constituent scrutiny, as it represents our tax dollars at work. Access to this and similar documents should be made readily available to residents and discussion should be enthusiastically encouraged.

I am running for Wayne Township Board to bring more transparency and accountability to local government. If elected, I am committed to fiscal responsibility, and will make strategic and collaborative decisions that are in the best interest of our township. I encourage all residents to attend the next board meeting Wednesday, Oct. 17 and see the change we need for themselves.

If you’d like to discuss this or other issues concerning the township, please don’t hesitate to contact me at brandybast@gmail.com or 317-620-1865 to voice your township concerns.

Brandy Bast

Wayne Township