Robin Mills named president of Cicero Kiwanis Club

The Cicero Kiwanis Club’s 2018-2019 leadership team: (From left) John Kidwell, Mitch Russell, Keith Ecker, Dottie Carlson, Robin Mills, Dick Blose and Rhonda Gary. Not pictured: Nick Barger and Tony Heath. (Photo provided)

The members of the Cicero Kiwanis Club inducted itheir officers and board for the 2018-2019 year at its annual meeting on Saturday. Robin Mills will serve as President; Keith Ecker, Immediate Past President; Mitch Russell, President Elect; Rhonda Gary, Treasurer; and Dottie Carlson, Secretary. Directors At Large include Nick Barger, Dick Blose, Tony Heath and John Kidwell.

Keith Ecker, who officially turned the reins over to Mills at the dinner, said he is confident that the new board will continue to provide great direction and energy in the year ahead.

“We remain strong in our mission of service to the greater Northern Hamilton County area,” noted Ecker of the Club, now 41 years strong.

“Thanks to his leadership, it will be much easier for me to step into the role of club president,” said Mills, who serves as the Auditor of Hamilton County. She has been an active member since joining the club in 2014.

“Changing the world one child at a time is a powerful motivation to do good,” said Mills. “Service leadership is a great way to make positive contributions while getting to know your community and those who live there.”

Ecker presented Martyn Furnish, Lieutenant Governor of the Sycamore South Division of Indiana District of Kiwanis, and two-term President of the Cicero Kiwanis Club, with a Bronze Level Legacy Circle Award for opening a new club.

Furnish took a moment to share his thanks and pride in the great strides and work of the Cicero Kiwanis Club, who served as the sponsor for one of the Sycamore South Division’s newest club in Fishers. Furnish credited Cicero Kiwanis Club founding member Steve Holt and member Brent Harrison, along with former member Debbie Frankel, for their leadership and involvement with the new club over the past year.

In addition, member Jennifer Templeton, Hamilton County Treasurer, was recognized for her recently being named Treasurer of the Year at the Association of Indiana Counties’ (AIC) annual award ceremony.

“Keith has been an excellent leader and inspiration as an individual and a leader,” said Mills. “As we start a new Kiwanis year, it is my hope that we can continue to build our club in membership, programs and services to help our club remain strong and vibrant. I look forward to working closely with members to continue the good works our Kiwanis Club is doing in our community in the year ahead.”

About the Cicero Kiwanis Club

Cicero Kiwanis Club is part of the Sycamore South Division of Indiana District of Kiwanis. Its members are volunteers committed to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The Club provides scholarships to graduating high school students, grants for play and educational equipment, supports local Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and much more. For information on membership, contact the Club on its Facebook page or by emailing