Mike Corbett to run for Noblesville mayor, announces 5 core principles

Longtime resident and business owner Mike Corbett announced his candidacy on Monday for Mayor of Noblesville in the 2019 Republican primary. The public is invited to attend the campaign kickoff rally at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 23 at The Mill Top Banquet and Conference Center, 802 Mulberry St., Noblesville.


“The need for change in City Hall has never been more apparent,” says Corbett. “Events over the past few years have shown a city administration completely out of step with Noblesville’s values.”

According to Corbett, a lack of transparency in city government is driving his campaign.

“It became clear to me during early meetings about the Nickel Plate Trail just how unresponsive our government is,” he says. “Dozens of citizens at public meetings expressed their displeasure with the city’s plan to rip up the rails, but the deals had already been made and it didn’t matter what the citizens thought. The city went ahead with its plan anyway. That’s just one example of why we need change.”

Corbett cited five core principles that are the foundation of his campaign and administration:

  1. A commitment to the people of Noblesville to make their city government more transparent, inclusive and responsive.
  2. A commitment to maintain our small town values, emphasizing responsible development, a preference for locally owned businesses, and a dense and thriving urban core.
  3. A recognition that historic preservation isn’t something to be tolerated but something to be celebrated and promoted as an economic and cultural development strategy.
  4. A sense of urgency in infrastructure development, gaining ground that’s been lost over the past decade.
  5. A healthy respect for the taxpayer, who is currently paying some of the county’s highest taxes.

“Noblesville is a special place,” says Corbett, “But there’s a lot of pressure to conform to the kind of development we see elsewhere. We need leadership that recognizes our unique character and works to preserve it while propelling Noblesville forward into the bright future that lies ahead.”

Corbett has been involved in Noblesville affairs for more than a decade as a citizen, volunteer and business owner. He’s a member of the boards of directors for Noblesville Main Street, Noblesville Preservation Alliance and Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development (HAND). He’s a current member and former president of the Noblesville Midday Rotary Club and serves on the Southwest Quad Action Team. He’s a graduate of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy and the Noblesville Schools Ambassador Program. He was honored this year as one of United Way’s 100 Heroes.

Corbett holds a BA in Broadcast Journalism and an MBA. Corbett’s company, Hamilton County Media Group, publishes the Hamilton County Business Magazine and the Welcome to Hamilton County Community Guide. He is married to Joni Corbett, a REALTOR®, and has five grown children. He spends his free time renovating historic houses, volunteering with nearly a dozen local civic groups and riding his Fuji 12-speed bicycle.

For more information please visit mikecorbettformayor.com. Connect with Mike on Twitter, on Facebook and on Instagram.

1 Comment on "Mike Corbett to run for Noblesville mayor, announces 5 core principles"

  1. Roger Williams | September 13, 2018 at 4:51 pm |

    I wholeheartedly agree and plan to rally around and with you Mr Corbett, as we here in Noblesville have had more than enough of the current administrations massive deceit to the very people who elected them.

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