Carmel honors Yom Hashoah

(Holocaust Remembrance Day)

Tarkington Theater

Maya Shmoel will be the keynote speaker and her presentation is titled: “Undiscovered; A Family’s Tale of Survival” at the City of Carmel’s 2017 Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony to commemorate the Holocaust.

The ceremony will be held Friday, April 28 at noon at the Tarkington Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts, 3 Center Green, Carmel.

The ceremony will last approximately an hour and a half and will be followed by a light lunch.

On Oct.12, 1941, her father’s childhood changed forever. Jews in Vatra Dorna were put on trains to an unknown destination. They traveled for eight days until reaching a labor camp, Shargorot, in the Ukraine. Shmoel details the story of her family’s survival using their wit and perseverance.

The program will include Mayor Jim Brainard, Rabbi Benjamin Sendrow of Congregation Shaarey, Tefilla, Rabbi Avrohom Grossbaum, Chabad Center for Jewish Life – Lubavitch of Indiana, Rabbi Stanley Halpern of Congregation Beth Shalom and Michael Wallack representing the Mayor’s Advisory Commission on Human Relations.

Musical performances by Cantor Arnie Lewin, Shaarey Tefilla member, the Carmel United Methodist Church Bell Choir and the University High School Choir and Woodwind Trio.

The public is invited and encouraged to attend this free program. The Carmel commemoration is part of Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), an international holiday for remembering the victims of the Holocaust. It reminds us, as Americans, of what can happen to civilized people when bigotry, hatred and indifference reign.