In my opinion

From the Heart

JMHO … Just my humble opinion.

I made a remark to my husband that something I said was just my humble opinion. He chuckled and said, “Honey, humble is not how I see your opinions.” I chuckled as well.

I knew what he meant. I am passionate about what I believe. I can plead my case and my beliefs like I am preaching to the Supreme Court.

I will listen to someone who has an opposing opinion from that of mine. I only hope they will listen to my views. I try to remove my emotions but I am an emotional person.

My heart will overrule my head on most occasions. I speak from my heart in my writings.

Sometimes I want to say more, but I hesitate if I think it will create an unhealthy conflict or, heaven forbid, hurt someone’s feelings.

I hate confrontation. I may not back down, but I will back away. Truly, silence is golden if a relationship might be broken.

But, there are times it needs to be broken.

Toxic people should be avoided. Going back for more verbal venom is never healthy. Sometimes you just have to be DONE. And don’t let guilt bring you back for more.

Sometimes people just want to be heard and their feelings validated. I often say, “I hear what you are saying and I understand why you are saying it.” Validation is huge in respect to relationships.

I want to be heard but I also want to be understood.

My opinion comes from the way I am wired, the way I was raised and my life’s experiences.

I’ve reached the age (63 on Sept. 3) where I don’t worry as much about what people think of me, but it is still a struggle. I need a T-shirt that says, “Please Like Me.”

Some things I am super passionate about: My family first and the center of my heart. Mess with me but don’t mess with my family.

I am the advocate and voice for my 92-year-old mother. Let’s just say that I’ve been a loud clanging cymbal lately. Seriously people, she’s 92!

My faith, as you know, is a big part of my life. Let’s just say I have been through the fire of a few furnaces. I have felt some pretty intense flames, and yet, I have survived. Whenever I sing the hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” the tears will flow. For me, it’s not about religion but a relationship with God. I only wish the younger people could learn the hymns and what they have to say to the heart. I’ll hush now on that subject.

I love my hometown. I can be pretty vocal with my opinions. I try to talk and listen to the various powers that be. They know how I feel and I respect how they feel about issues. I have been known to nicely tell them they are wrong … more than once. Then we simply agree to disagree.

I’ve learned to compromise. Ugh. It is not always easy. Sometimes no one comes out a winner. I’ve just learned to accept that … it is what it is. (I hate that saying.)

So, whether you agree with me or disagree with me, we can be friends. Respect and having an open mind to listen are key in getting along in any community or relationship.

I guess you could say that this is all just my humble opinion or maybe just my opinion. Whichever it is, it’s from my heart.