Daly victim of political correctness run amok

The County Line

Political correctness has run amok at an alarming pace. Noblesville race car driver Conor Daly is the latest victim in the most dramatic example yet of this social campaign carried to ridiculous and dangerous lengths. It’s an effort to root out any vestige of insensitivity by one person against another, real or imagined.

Daly is the 26-year-old son of retired race driver Derek Daly. Young Daly, as most local citizens now know, had his major racing sponsor, Eli Lilly, abandon him because of a racial slur his father allegedly made 35 years ago. That was long before Conor was born.

Some might call it a witch hunt or punishing someone for the sins of the father, both behaviors we’ve supposedly given up long ago in this country.

Perhaps making this worse is the fact that Lilly, a long-respected Indiana company, took this action against what you might call one of its own, from Lilly’s hometown area, who has a clean record in his racing career.

Daly’s former sponsor is technically called Lilly Diabetes, the branch of the operation that makes drugs to combat the effects of diabetes, and Daly is diabetic.

No one wants to see slurs made against others because of race or any other reason. But, this case is crazy. Lilly should be ashamed of itself and should reverse its decision.