Gray Eagle Golf Course in Fishers to close

There has been much speculation about the future of Gray Eagle Golf Course in Fishers. Those living in the Gray Eagle neighborhood were informed this week that the golf course will cease operations at the end of calendar year 2019.

Mark Thompson, of RN Thompson Golf, tells LarryInFishers his company has been working with the city on the future of the golf facility, located near 126th Street and Brooks School Road. However, Mr. Thompson says ceasing operations is in the “best interest of all parties at this time.”

The owner of the golf course will continue to work with the Gray Eagle Homeowners Association and Fishers city officials on the future of the golf course, but Mr. Thompson provided no more specifics.

iTown Church originally wanted to build their new building near the golf course, but nearby neighbors voiced concerns about how that might impact the future of the golf course. iTown chose another location at 136th Street and Brooks School Road.

In a letter to Gray Eagle residents from Homeowners Association President Chris De Monclin, details are provided of a meeting involving golf course ownership, city officials and representatives of Gray Eagle HOA. Suggestions of having the HOA take over the golf course were rejected because of the large dues increase – $300 per year at the outset for each homeowner – with city officials saying that would only be a temporary solution anyway.

Mr. De Monclin’s letter says the ownership would ask for $5 million in any sale of the golf facility, but cites a Ball State estimate putting the value of the golf course at about $1 million.

The HOA president praised efforts by Mayor Scott Fadness and City Councilors Brad DeReamer and Rich Block for their efforts to find a solution to the future of the Gray Eagle Golf Course property. Based on the letter to residents, the city has no interest in buying or developing the property. The likely outcomes, based on De Monclin’s letter, are closing the golf course at the end of 2019 with no buyer, or finding another use for the golf course property.

“Councilmen DeReamer and Block, City staff, and I have been (and will continue to be) supportive of Gray Eagle HOA and its residents as they chart a path forward after being notified of the closure of Gray Eagle Golf Course,” Fadness said in an emailed statement to LarryInFishers. “Fortunately, we have time on our side to make the right decision to allow for coordination between the City and the HOA on any potential future use to ensure residents are well represented in the process.”