Sheridan Horseshoe League: Susan Dwigans wins Ashpaugh Electric tournament

Susan Dwigans shows her championship form with her horseshoe in flight during last weekend’s Ashpaugh Electric tournament. (Photo provided)

The second annual Ashpaugh Electric horseshoe tournament was held last weekend. The Sheridan Horseshoe league played host for the event. With the hot and humid conditions only pitchers from Hamilton County participated.
After the first game, Susan Dwigans of Westfield lead second place by seven points. Susan maintained her lead at the end of two with Greg Emry of Sheridan closing the gap to two points. Genia Emry, also of Sheridan, moved from the fourth spot into a tie with her husband, dropping Susan into third five points behind the leaders.
With one game to go Greg held a one-point advantage over Susan. Mike Milcoff of Noblesville moved into third place only seven points behind the leaders. At the days’ end, Susan finished with a great game to take the win.
Tournament results now follow:

Name                  Actual    Ringers       Total with handicap
Susan Dwigans    251            37                   591
Greg Emry            315            60                  580
Mike Milcoff        259            48                  574

The last weeks at the Sheridan Horseshoe League have been interesting, as producing three different league leaders. With three weeks to go, the first round winners are currently in second place trailing Traditional Concepts by two games.
Traditional Concepts only won 13 games during the first half of the season, but has already doubled that amount so far during the four weeks of the second half of the season. Richard Law is getting his swing back as he and his teammates are attempting to stay in contention.

 Second Round Team Standings
                                       Won      Lost        Points
Traditional Concepts   26           14              5509
Price Heating                24           16              5638
JBS United                    23           17              5550
Carey on Main              21           19              5366
Deem                              13.5        26.5          5378
Ashpaugh Electric       12.5        27.5          5341

Individual leaders

Actual Game    Score
Richard Law        98
Mitch Dwigans    79
Mike Milcoff        76

Actual Series      Score
Richard Law           272
Mike Milcoff           211
Mitch Dwigans      201

Handicap Game      Score
Mitch Dwigans            139
Kyle Wethington        127
Richard Law                136

Handicap Series     Score
Richard Law                386
Kyle Wethington        383
Mitch Dwigans           381

Susan Dwigans shows her championship form with her horseshoe in flight during last weekend’s Ashpaugh Electric tournament. (Photo provided)