Noblesville Parks brings programming to Noblesville elementary schools

Noblesville Parks & Recreation and Noblesville Schools’ Miller Explorers Program are expanding their partnership to bring park programming and activities to students enrolled in Noblesville elementary schools. The partnership provides after-school programs and allows opportunities for families to take advantage of the parks educational programs without extending extracurricular activities further into their evening schedule.

“We know that quality time for families is important for working parents, especially in the evenings after getting home from school and work that make it hard to participate in other activities in the community. We are excited to bring the parks department to the kids so they can have a variety of programs right there at the school, in one location,” said Noblesville Parks Recreation Director Nichole Haberlin-Medaris.

Team members from the parks department will rotate to the seven Noblesville Elementary Schools and lead different programs and activities for students after school. Each 45-minute class takes place at the school once a week for three weeks. Starting Aug. 6, the parks team will travel to Noble Crossing, Hinkle Creek and Hazel Dell elementary schools. In September they will travel to White River, North, Promise Road and Stony Creek elementary schools.

Classes will be held from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. and from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m. Parks staff will supervise students enrolled in classes between school dismissal and the start of activities at 3:45 p.m. Those students participating in the second timeslot must be enrolled in Miller Explorers or returned to the school by a guardian.

Classes include topics and subjects such as science, art, nature and other educational courses designed for elementary students. Cost is $30 for students and $20 for Miller Explorers participants. Students can enroll in one or more of the programs, depending on their interest and class availability. Capacity for each class is about 10 to 15 students.

“The selection of programs offered is designed for elementary students and are some of our most popular classes. The program is great for those parents wanting to enroll their children in our Lego League or art class and just can’t get them to the park in time for a class – between work and after school pick up,” Haberlin-Medaris said.

The programs and classes available include Lego League, Messy Discovery, Refreshing Nature, Express Yourself and Breakdancing. Online class registration is open for all Miller Explorer students. To register, visit, select the “Online Registration” green diamond, enter “Explore” in the search window, search for your school location and select the class(es) for additional information or to register.

“We are pleased to partner with the parks department to offer families additional choices for after school programming,” said Marnie Cooke, director of marketing and communications for Noblesville Schools. “It’s a great option for Miller Explorer participants and all of our elementary students.”