Be mindful of safety as school begins

It’s August, and that means the start of the year for Hamilton County students is upon us. The Sheriff’s Office would like to remind everyone of important safety tips as well as the start dates for school.

Start dates

  • 1 – Noblesville
  • 7 – Hamilton Heights and Westfield Washington
  • 8 – Hamilton Southeastern and Sheridan
  • 9 – Guerin
  • 13 – University
  • 14 – Carmel Clay

Follow these tips to ensure a healthy and safe school year:

Walking safety

  • Never run into the street. When you come to the curb, stop, then look both ways. Never run between cars into the street.
  • Be sure to cross the street at a marked cross walk or where the crossing guard is. Only walk when the signal flashes the walk sign or when a crossing guard says it’s okay.
  • Walk on the sidewalk, not in the street.
  • Wear clothing that allows drivers and people to see you. That means no dark clothes after dark or early in the morning. If you must be out in the dark, be sure to put reflective tape on your coat.
  • Don’t talk to strangers, don’t take anything from them and don’t go anywhere with them.
  • If a stranger approaches you, run! Scream! Tell an adult.
  • Never take a short cut through the woods or alleys.
  • Walk to school with a partner.
  • If you see a gun or drugs, stop. Don’t touch it. Tell an adult!

Bus stop safety

  • Always walk to the bus stop. Never run.
  • Walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic.
  • Always get to the bus stop about five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
  • While at the bus stop, wait in a safe place away from the road. Do not run and play while waiting.
  • Never speak to strangers at the bus stop and never get into the car with a stranger. Always go straight home and tell your parents if a stranger tries to talk to you or pick you up.
  • Wait for the bus to arrive, watch for red flashing lights and the stop sign to be extended, and cross only when all traffic has stopped. Look left, right, and then look left again before crossing.

Home safety

  • Teach children not to let anyone know they are home alone. They should never answer the door for strangers.
  • Be sure your kids know how to dial 9-1-1 and report a problem. All students should know their name, home address and phone number.
  • Make sure kids have a list of mom and dad’s work and cell phone numbers and at least one other adult they can call in case of an emergency.
  • Explain how to lock and unlock all the doors and windows so that no one can get in and so they can leave if necessary.
  • Teach your kids to pay attention to the way things look. If something doesn’t look right (such as a broken front door), tell them not to go inside, but to go to a safe place and ask for help.

Driving safety

Under Indiana law (IC 9-21-5-6(f)), cities and towns set school speed zones, so each location may be different in terms of hours, speeds, or signage. Questions and concerns about speed limits should be addressed with the county or city highway department where the zone is located.

A common question is, “Do I have to stop for the bus?” When approaching a school bus from any direction which is stopped with its flashing red lights activated and its stop arm extended, motorists are required to stop, even on multiple lane highways. Motorists who are on a highway that is divided by a barrier or unimproved median (i.e. a concrete or cable barrier, or a grass median) are required to stop only if they are traveling the same direction as the school bus. If there is no unimproved median or barrier, then all lanes in all directions must stop.

Disregarding a school bus stop arm is a serious violation and one that school bus drivers are quick to report. Violation of this law is a Class “A” infraction and is punishable by a maximum fine of up to $10,000.

  • Follow the speed limit. Slow down. All schools have reduced speed zones around them. Following the speed limit reduces the chances of you being in a crash and improves the chances for survival if a crash does occur.
  • Allow more time. As a new school year begins, allow yourself more time to get where you are going until you can figure out the effects of increased traffic.
  • Stay alert. Make a mental note of any new/existing bus stops or students walking to and from school. This way you won’t be surprised and will be prepared if you need to stop.
  • Learn the rules. Schools usually have places for parents to drop off and pick up children. If you are driving your child to school, learn where these areas are and follow the procedures.
  • Yield to pedestrians. Remember to yield to children/parents in crosswalks. When a pedestrian is in a crosswalk they have the right-of-way.
  • Buses make frequent stops. Children may unexpectedly run into traffic or out from the bus. When a bus stops, assume children are in the immediate area and be especially attentive.

Remember: Slow Down. Stay Alert! Let’s all have a safe school year.