Façade Grant Program Available for Historic Home Owners

The Noblesville Preservation Alliance is offering its Façade Grants program again this year. Since 2011, NPA has awarded 29 grants worth $23,000 to local homeowners to help offset the costs of fixing up the exteriors of their homes.

To qualify, your home must be more than 50 years old and your proposed renovations must meet certain standards, but this popular program has helped dozens of families stretch their renovation budgets.

The application deadline for this year’s façade grants is May 15, so don’t delay. A committee will review all applications and grants will be awarded by mid-June. Work must be completed by the end of the year.

NPA funds this program with proceeds from its annual Historic Home Tour, scheduled for September 16 this year.

For more information and an application, visit our website: www.noblesvillepreservation.com