Dee Thornton responds to Rep. Brooks’ support for tax cuts

Dear Editor,

I would like to respond to the article published on Congresswoman Brooks’ address to Congress on the status of the tax cut. Most Americans recognize that this legislation was for the very rich and provided no assurances to help working people. Big corporations have used their windfalls to reward chief executives and stockholders. Barely a third of Americans now support the law.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little – if anything – to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Congresswoman Brooks proudly supports a tax plan that adds $1.5 trillion to the national debt. Meanwhile, the GOP has already begun citing rising deficits to make the case for deep cuts to safety-net programs that would be devastating for poor families across the country. House Republicans have spent much of the past few months attempting to slash food stamps, while their latest budget plan would reduce Medicaid spending by $1.5 trillion.

Indiana’s 5th district and the nation deserve better representation.

Dee Thornton

Candidate for U.S. Representative of Indiana’s 5th District

1 Comment on "Dee Thornton responds to Rep. Brooks’ support for tax cuts"

  1. Henry Winckler | July 11, 2018 at 11:09 am |

    Too long has Susan Brooks occupied a congressional seat and done nothing for Indiana. I have corresponded with her office often and received the same old tired response, ‘I value your thoughts but…’, nothing ever happens. It’s a terrible frustration. My grandchildren attend Noblesville schools. Brooks says nothing about making our schools safer. I own farmland. Congresswomen Brooks says nothing about ill-advised tariffs that will ruin rural America. Tax cuts are projected to create big deficits. Hoosier grandchildren will pay the price. Do nothing doesn’t get the job done. We need a change. I am voting for Dee Thornton.

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