Weingardt: City financial contribution to Spark!Fishers Festival will be “very minimal”

As the Spark!Fishers Festival gears up for its first celebration, June 29 & 30, City Councilman John Weingardt says the city’s financial and in-kind contribution to this festival will be “very minimal.”
During a podcast interview with LarryInFishers on June 20th, Weingardt explained what he means by “very minimal.”
He points to the sponsorship money that, Weingardt says, “…provided substantially all the funding for this event.”
Weingardt told LarryInFishers that the city will provide services to the festival such as  public safety and support from the Department of Public Works.
“I don’t see us (the city)  having to come up with a tremendous  amount of money, nowhere near what we (the city) gave the Freedom Festival,” Weindgardt said.  “That’s from what I understand, I haven’t seen the numbers yet, but I think what you’re going to see is a better value proposition for our taxpayers and an event that’s going to be an event that will stand the test of time and be another tradition that will continue year after year.”
For the 2016 and 2017 Fishers Freedom Festival, the city, each year, provided the festival with $85,000 cash and an estimated $45,000 in “in-kind” services.
During the podcast, Councilman Weingardt told LarryInFishers he plans to run for re-election to his council seat in next year’s local election.