Heights Bookmobile making reading fun

Heights’ Emily Beechler, Karen Jones and Linda Morris are pictured with Adrianna, Gabriella and Alayna Kauffman at the bookmobile’s inaugural stop in downtown Arcadia on Wednesday. Beechler, Jones and Morris are among the Heights staff who will be running the service throughout the summer. (Photo provided)

Hamilton Heights’ new bookmobile is bringing books to children and adults in Arcadia, Atlanta, Cicero and Walnut Grove each Wednesday through July 25. The bookmobile evolved from a desire to help encourage students to keep reading over the summer by providing greater access to books.

“The more access our Huskies have to books, the more reading will increase,” said Emily Beecher, Hamilton Heights Middle School Media Specialist, who is spearheading this effort. “The bookmobile is also helping to support a summer reading initiative offered through the Hamilton North Public Library. Studies show students can potentially lose 25 percent of their reading level between the end of the school year and the beginning of the next. This is one way we can help encourage reading over the summer.”

Jessica Ann Scott brought her daughter Norah and nieces Emma and Lily to the bookmobile to check out a couple of books help earn reading points for the local library’s summer reading program. (Photo provided)

“We were thrilled by the first bookmobile night during its stops in Arcadia and Cicero,” continued Beechler, who encourages students to read 20 to 30 minutes a day to keep their minds active. “We checked out 96 books during our two stops and that’s a lot of books in the community that were not there before Wednesday! Thanks to the generous donation from the Hamilton Heights Educational Foundation we were able to purchase about $1,000 worth of new books offering a great selection on topics for every age.”

Bringing the bookmobile to life was a collaborative effort. The corporation donated the use of an older maintenance bus and fuel. The Hamilton Heights Educational Foundation provided a start-up grant to fund a portion of the books, tables and tents. Erin Goodman, Hamilton Heights Middle School Art Teacher, and members of her Art Club created the promotional banner. Heights staff members are volunteering their time to operate the service throughout the summer.

Heights’ bookmobile schedule is as follows:

  • 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. on June 20, and July 4, 19 in Arcadia (126 W. Main St.)
  • 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. on June 20, and July 4, 19 in Cicero (1159 Stringtown Pike)
  • 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. on June 13, 27, and July 11, 25 in Atlanta (The Gazebo)
  • 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. on June 13, 27, and July 11, 25 in Walnut Grove (Walnut Grove Community Center).

Books are to be returned by the date stamped on the cover. They can be returned during a bookmobile stop or be dropped off at the Heights’ Central Office in Arcadia or at the Hamilton North Public Library in Cicero. Please email questions to Emily Beechler at ebeechler@hhschuskies.org.