Reader wants schools to have airport security

Dear Editor:

We offer up prayers, we speak our gratitude of what might have happened but did not due to the heroism of the science teacher. We offer thanks to all first responders, those who donated food, and shake our heads at what happened at Noblesville West Middle School.

Yet, we do nothing to make our students and their schools safe havens. This country wastes so much money in so many ways.

America needs to put its money where its mouth is. We do not need more of the sorry and condolence talk.

We need action. I truly believe that corporate partners, NRA and rich folks in this country would help fund the purchase and installation of airport-like security devices in every school in America. In addition, I believe regular, tax paying Americans could do crowd source funding to help pay for this type of school security. And, if politicians care about this issue as much as they say, then they could give up some of their perks and travel for a while.

As a taxpayer, I would much rather pay for safe schools than for trade missions and other nonessential travel for politicians and government staff.

It is pretty well proven that current school security and resource officers are ineffective.

Get moving America! Quit the verbiage. Act now!

Pamela Louks
