CountryMark fuels freedom on June 22

On Friday, June 22, 38 CountryMark fuel stations across the Midwest will host Fueling Freedom, an event dedicated to supporting local military families.

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Between noon and 5 p.m., CountryMark and member owners will donate 50 cents for every gallon of fuel pumped to local National Guard Family Readiness Groups at participating Fueling Freedom retail sites.

“Fueling Freedom is our opportunity to pay tribute to the service, sacrifice and patriotism of local National Guard troops and their families,” said Matt Smorch, CountryMark Vice President of Refining and Logistics. “We are proud to partner with CountryMark retail fuel stations throughout the state to give back to our military families and honor the sacrifice they make to serve and protect our country.”

CountryMark initiated the Fueling Freedom fundraiser in 2008 as a way to support military families. In 2017, CountryMark raised more than $50,000 for local National Guard Family Readiness Groups. Many of the Family Readiness Groups use their funds to host military family summer picnics, Christmas parties, after-school programs, as well as to send packages to deployed local soldiers.