Heights sets calendar for next two years

Hamilton Heights School Corporation has set its school calendars for the 2018-19 and 2019-2020 school years. The calendars, approved by the Hamilton Heights School Board at its May 16 meeting, set the first day of school for students at Aug. 7, 2018, and the last day at May 30, 2019. The first day of school the following year for students will be Aug. 6, 2019, and the last day will be May 29, 2020.

“The minor adjustments to the next two years’ calendar were the result of careful review of data from the previous year and input from the leadership team comprised of parents, teachers and administrators,” explained Dr. Derek Arrowood, Hamilton Heights School Corporation Superintendent. “We believe we are providing the best possible corporation calendar to meet the diverse needs of our students, teachers and families for academic excellence as well as to plan for extra-curricular activities, vacations and other events.”

These calendars include a start date after the beginning of the Indiana State Fair; one full week for Fall Break; three days at Thanksgiving; final exams and bringing the first semester to a close before Christmas break; two weeks (including three weekends) for Christmas Break; and two full weeks for Spring Break the last week of March and first week of April.

The most notable change involves extending the Wednesday early release day to the middle, elementary and primary buildings. “At the high school, the weekly early release has been well-received and successful for more than a decade,” said Jarrod Mason, Hamilton Heights High School Principal. “It only shortens our normal instructional period by two minutes because we do not have an SRT period on Wednesday. Yet, it offers a much needed 44 minutes for ongoing professional development activities and collaborative projects. Extending the professional development opportunity for educators in the other buildings makes good sense.”

Six flex days have been worked into the calendar to be used in the following order: The first two days include a potential of a four-day weekend in February. The third is set for the last Monday in April and fourth is the last Friday of May. The fifth and sixth Flex Days include the first two days of Spring Break.

The calendars can be found below or on the school’s website at hhschuskies.org.