Sheridan Historical Society awards Ron Stone for role in new museum

A smiling Ron Stone holds his Appreciation Award from the Sheridan Historical Society. (Photo provided)

Every year the Sheridan Historical Society honors a volunteer member with a special award for the work they have done for the Society. It was with great honor that for 2018 Society President Ron Stone was given an Appreciation Award to recognize his inspiration and contributions to help bring a new museum facility to Sheridan’s Main Street.

According to Society Vice President Steve Martin who presented the award this year, “Ron Stone has been instrumental to the process of obtaining the old Hippodrome Theater on Main Street in uptown Sheridan to house a new museum. He has spent countless hours remodeling the facility and has been actively involved in fund raising. Every time the Society meets, we find Ron at the heart of our varied efforts to bring this project to fruition. His vision and insights are what has kept us on track from the very beginning and it is only fitting that we honor him for all his hard work and endless enthusiasm in support of this project.”

The new museum is still a work in progress and the Society is still actively seeking contributions and volunteers toward the cause. Persons interested in becoming a member of the Society and especially persons interested in donating toward the new museum are urged to drop by the present museum located at 308 S. Main St. for further information.