Fishers Mental Health Task Force moves forward with stakeholder meeting

HSE Schools Superintendent Allen Bourff (left) talks with Fishers Deputy Mayor Leah McGrath and Holy Spirit Catholic Church Pastor, Father Dan Gartland at Friday's Fishers Mental Health Task Force meeting. (Photo provided)

When Scott Fadness became mayor of Fishers in January 2015, his first major initiative was the Mental Health Task Force. The mayor is now in his fourth year in office and the task force continues to make progress.

Those involved in the mental health initiative gathered at Launch Fishers Friday morning for a progress report.

Perhaps the most telling piece of information shared during the session came from Fishers Fire Chief Steve Orusa. He told those assembled that there have been no teen suicides in the City of Fishers since 2014.

HSE Schools Superintendent Allen Bourff outlined how the recent referendum approved by local voters has allowed the school corporation to place more mental health professionals in the schools, with 13 therapists serving 21 school buildings. This allows earlier interventions when students need mental health treatment.

Mayor Fadness pointed to the school shooting in Parkland, Fla. The public debate has centered on firearms policy, but the mayor cited the strides the task force has made in allowing the many stakeholders, including the city and schools, to work together, is one way to intervene early when a teenager is troubled and in need of treatment. That can sometimes make the difference in preventing such situations, according to the mayor.

The Mental Health Task Force has accomplished much in nearly three-and-a-half years, but there is much more left to do.