Noblesville City Clerk speaks in support of Greg O’Connor

Dear Editor:

Over the past several years, I have sat in many meetings with Greg O’Connor, both public and executive session, for the Noblesville Common Council. Because I take minutes at these meetings, I have the privilege to observe those present.

I do not live in House District 29 and will not vote on that race, but I wanted to share my observations of Greg as a public servant on the Council.

Greg has always come prepared, having read through many pages of material. He consistently listens intently to all sides of any given issue. He is almost always one of the last to speak, and he does so thoughtfully. He has never been afraid to take on any hard issues, and his focus has been on what is right and what needs to be done, not on political expediency or what any particular group wants. I have seen him listen carefully to angry constituents who were yelling and rude to him, and a calm conversation resulted.

Greg knows how to work with a wide variety of people, and he knows how to get things done. He is knowledgeable, gracious, and productive. He is just the kind of person we need in the legislature to represent House District 29.


Evelyn Lees

Noblesville City Clerk
