Westfield reader speaks about Clifford’s character

Dear Editor:

I’ve known the Clifford family for nearly 20 years, and they are not just friends but I consider them my family. I could tell you thousands of reasons why Bill should be the next Sheriff but instead I’m going to share a story that I believe shows Bill’s commitment to keeping Hamilton County safe.

Quite a few years ago, when the Clifford kids were young and in need of a babysitter, I had offered to babysit while Bill and Sheryl went to our church’s penance service. It was right before Christmas and they asked if they could finish up some Christmas shopping after the service. “No problem,” I told them. Off they went.

Time had come for them to be home and they were not there. No big deal. Pretty soon I get a call, “We are involved in a pursuit and will be home later than expected. We’ll explain everything later,” Sheryl told me. Sheryl arrives home later without Bill and explained what happened …

Bill and Sheryl went shopping at Best Buy. As they were leaving, Bill noticed suspicious activity of individuals loading bags into a van quickly and without trying to be noticed. They noticed Bill watching and jumped in the van to leave. Bill starts to follow them south bound on 31. The van tries to lose Bill by switching lanes and increasing speed. Both Bill and Sheryl have called and notified appropriate police dispatches of the situation and continue to follow the van while dispatch sends officers. The van leads Bill down 31 to 465, on 465 to 421, off 421 to a car dealership off the exit. The individuals in the van abandon it and take off on foot.

Any guesses who went pursuing after them on foot?

Yep, Bill Clifford.

Police officers captured the individuals who had a van full of stolen goods from stores all over.

Bill Clifford did not have to notice their suspicious activity. He was off duty. But he did, because that is who he is … Bill is a protector of our COMMUNITY 24/7.

Bill Clifford could have just called the activity in to dispatch and enjoyed the rest of his off duty time with his wife. But he did not, because that is who he is … Bill made a COMMITMENT to serve the people of Hamilton County with his gifts and talents whether he is on or off the clock.

Bill Clifford did not have to follow the van and could have let them get away. But he did follow them, because that is who he is … Bill is a man of INTEGRITY and doesn’t turn his eyes the other way when it is not convenient for him.

Bill Clifford did not have to chase after the criminals on foot and help apprehend them. But he did, because that is who he is … Bill is COMMITTED to completing what he starts and following through.


It is all there. Vote Bill Clifford for Sheriff on May 8.

Leslie Mimms
