Business owner in favor of Sue Maki

Dear Hamilton County,

I strongly recommend Sue Maki for Hamilton County Council District 1 in the Republican primary. I first met Sue while she was Executive Director of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy, an organization that is very dear to my heart. I saw her work diligently and collaboratively to improve our community and grow leaders.

As I’ve watched and supported Sue over the years in the commercial, civic and not-for-profit sectors, including leadership roles with the Hamilton County Tourism Commission, solid waste board, Carmel PTO and Carmel Rotary – I knew public office leadership would be in her future.  She is meant to be a leader in our county, and she has already demonstrated that.

Sue is a critical thinker, considering costs and benefits, risks and rewards, today and tomorrow.  She represents the interests of her clients, neighbors and organizations in formal and informal settings. Sue creatively seeks win-win solutions, but embraces the need to make difficult decisions as required.

Sue would be a highly effective representative for Hamilton County, working effectively with the Council, Commissioners and Mayors to deliver fiscally conservative results.

Vote May 8 for Sue Maki for Hamilton County Council!

Doug Church

Business Owner and Community Leader