Miller girls dominate Kokomo Relays, boys take second

Noblesville’s Shelby Tyler anchored the winning girls 4x100 relay at the Kokomo Relays on Saturday. Tyler also set a new meet record in the high jump of 5 feet, 8 inches. (Kent Graham)

The Noblesville girls track and field team dominated the Kokomo Relays on Saturday.
The Millers won with 173 points, easily outdistancing runner-up Northwestern’s 114. Noblesville won 10 of 15 events, including 1-2 sweeps of the 1000-yard run, 3200 run, 100 hurdles, pole vault and discus.
Shelby Tyler took first in the high jump and pole vault; her leap of 5 feet, 8 inches is a new meet high jump record. Bella Sharples-Gordon was first in the 1000 run, Sophie Reichard took the 3200, Marissa Schneider won the 100 hurdles and Anna Kiser took first in the discus. The Millers also won four relays: The 4×100, the sprint, the distance medley (200-400-800-1600) and the shuttle hurdle.
Noblesville’s boys team finished second to Crown Point. The Millers scored 97 points, with Crown Point totaling 137.33.
Drew Herman placed first in the high jump, while the distance medley (400-800-400-800) team of Devontez Cox, Zach Freeman, Bryce Gatewood and Andrew Anderson won that event.

Team scores: Noblesville 173, Northwestern 114, Warsaw 86, Mount Vernon 58, Kokomo 39, Chesterton 38, Western 13.
100 dash: Preliminaries – 10. Grace Brisco 13.78.
1000-yard run: 1. Bella Sharples-Gordon 2:58.52, 2. Aubrie Deal 3:02.05.
3200 run: 1. Sophie Reichard 11:54.81, 2. Aubrey Swart 12:00.08.
100 hurdles: 1. Marissa Schneider 16.39, 2. Lindsey Wormuth 16.66.
4×100 relay: 1. Brisco, Delaney Boles, Kailyn Ely, Shelby Tyler 52.36.
1200 sprint medley: 1. Ely, Brisco, Maria Anderson, Boles 3:01.16.
Freshman sprint medley: 3. Sarah DeMann, Sharples-Gordon, Megan Hoffman, Alexys Davis 3:21.46.
Distance medley (400-800-400-800): 2. Davis, Anna Hazelrigg, Hoffman, Taylor Gregory 7:27.40.
Distance medley (200-400-800-1600): 1. Tyler, Boles, Sharples-Gordon, Abi Little 9:42.57.
4×100 shuttle hurdle: 1. Charis Siefert, Lauren Sandys, Schneider, Wormuth 1:10.09.
High jump: 1. Tyler 5-8, new meet record, 4. Lilian Wilhelm 4-8.
Pole vault: 1. Tyler 9-6, 2. Erika Knieper 9-0.
Long jump: 4. Noelle Dennis 15-10.75, 6. Lauren Claussen 15-0.75.
Shot put: 2. Devyn Palmer 33-5.5, 5. Anna Kiser 30-9.5.
Discus: 1. Kiser 101-7, 2. Abigayle Gronauer 91-3.

Team scores: Crown Point 137.33, Noblesville 97, Chesterton 88, Mount Vernon 69, Kokomo 64, Ben Davis 37, Western 32, Northwestern 19.67.
100 dash: 6. Shawn Kinslow 11.44. Preliminaries: 9. Mac Smith 11.75.
1000-yard run: 5. Jack Commeville 2:35.61, 6. Nick Dombroski 2:41.93.
3200 run: 2. Blake Hipkiss 10:01.46, 4. Travis Hickner 10:41.76.
110 hurdles: 6. Shomari Rogers-Walton 17.78, 8. Matt Ogle 18.19.
4×100 relay: 4. Alex Reel, Kinslow, Trenton Reeves, Smith 45.74.
1200 sprint medley: 4. Kinslow, Reeves, Bryce Gatewood, Mitch Conard 2:32.47.
Freshman sprint medley: 2. Josh Krohn, Dallas Johnson, Billy Gregory, Ian Montarsi 2:49.38.
Distance medley (400-800-400-800): 1. Devontez Cox, Zach Freeman, Gatewood, Andrew Anderson 5:56.33.
Distance medley (200-400-800-1600): 3. Reel, Seth Koszyk, Dombroski, Hickner) 8:24.04.
4×100 shuttle hurdle: 3. Commeville, Ogle, Rogers-Walton, Conard 1:08.67.
High jump: 1. Drew Herman 6-3, 4. Luke Blevins 6-0.
Long jump: 2. Rogers-Walton 21-6.25, 7. Cox 19-3.
Shot put: 2. Dalton Davis 44-7.75, 14. Cam Knight 35-2.5.
Discus: 4. Davis 134-11, 9. Garrett Bridges 122-4.

Noblesville’s Shelby Tyler anchored the winning girls 4×100 relay at the Kokomo Relays on Saturday. Tyler also set a new meet record in the high jump of 5 feet, 8 inches. (Kent Graham)

Shomari Rogers-Walton placed second in the boys long jump. (Kent Graham)