Steve Dillinger applauds Steve Schwartz’s record

Dear Editor:

When one thinks of an ideal public servant to represent them, I believe they want someone with a community minded heart and a track record to prove it. I believe if you looked up the definition of “public servant” in the dictionary, you likely would find a picture of Hamilton County Councilman Steve Schwartz. Steve has been a big part of the government team that has helped make Hamilton County the number one rated county in the state and one of the top countries in the United States.

Let’s take a quick look at Steve’s track record. Years ago, when the White River spill happened, it was Steve and Lori Schwartz who led the efforts of the White River clean up, helping to restore it back to the tremendous asset it is to the community today.

Over and over, Steve Schwartz has made his mark on Hamilton County. Most recently he helped lead the way to bring Ivy Tech to Hamilton County, which by the way, only passed the County Council by a 4-3 vote. Steve helped pass the funding for the State Road 37 project, the jail expansion and the solar project that will create the energy source for the jail that will save taxpayers millions of dollars over the next few years. Steve tried his best to pass the funding for the police and fire training center, supported by over 100 elected and appointed officials, including Police and Fire Chiefs throughout the county. They felt this was vitally important for the safety of our community. His efforts failed the Council by a vote of 4-3. So while other candidates talk about supporting public safety, Steve’s record proves his commitment.

Unfortunately, sometimes in elections, when challengers get desperate, they choose to insinuate the incumbent is doing something wrong, to discredit them. While I personally find this kind of campaigning distasteful, it seems to be running rampant in today’s political climate. Vacationing with a Commissioner and developing positive relationships seems to be a problem with Steve’s opponent. Maybe he believes that discord between the Council and the Commissioners creates a more productive government. I can assure you we didn’t receive the great number of outstanding County Achievement Awards by not working as a team.

Steve Schwartz is one of the best Councilman I have had the pleasure of serving with over the past 15 years.

As you go vote, please remember: “A Record is Better than a Promise.”

Steve Schwartz has the record.

Steve Dillinger

Hamilton County Commissioner


1 Comment on "Steve Dillinger applauds Steve Schwartz’s record"

  1. Hal Jalikakick | April 27, 2018 at 11:01 pm |

    I’ll translate. “Here’s my rubber stamp!”

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