Six county leaders stand behind Quakenbush

(From left) Chief Bob Shock, Retired Clerk Peggy Beaver, Maj. Tom Gehlhausen, Sheriff candidate Cpt. Dennis Quakenbush, Sheriff Mark Bowen, Retired Sheriff Dan Stevens and Cpt. Scott McKinney. (Photo provided)

Captain Dennis Quakenbush has accumulated a list of endorsements from Hamilton County elected officials and law enforcement leaders. Current Hamilton County Sheriff Mark Bowen, retired Sheriff and Director of Administration for County Commissioners Dan Stevens, Major Tom Gehlhausen, Sheridan Chief of Police Robert Shock, Investigations Commander Scott McKinney and retired Hamilton County Clerk Peggy Beaver have all voiced their support for Quakenbush’s candidacy for Sheriff of Hamilton County.

“Our next sheriff must possess the law enforcement experience, education and business background to keep Hamilton County safe, efficient and thriving,” explained Bowen. “I hand selected Dennis to be our patrol commander seven years ago and he has done a great job. Captain Quakenbush exceeds all of the criteria and is most qualified to lead Hamilton County as one of best places to live in the United States.”

“Dennis has the common sense maturity, the road experience as a patrol officer, the support of his supervisor and is the current commander of the patrol division. He is committed to keeping you and your family safe and protected,” said Stevens.

Gehlhausen said, “I endorse Dennis Quakenbush as your next Hamilton County Sheriff. I’ve worked for the Sheriff’s Department for the last 33 years and with Dennis for the past 16 years. Dennis possesses great leadership skills, he is fiscally responsible and I know he will continue to keep Hamilton County one of the safest counties in the United States.”

“As someone who has been involved in Hamilton County politics for over 30 years and as your former elected Hamilton County Clerk, I know first hand what it takes to be a good public servant,” said Beaver. “I feel Dennis has what it takes to be a good public servant for the citizens of Hamilton County with his many years of experience, his education, good character and his passion to make a positive difference.”

When asked why he supports Quakenbush, McKinney answered, “Dennis has strong moral character. He has good leadership ability and good management skills. He is second to none in that aspect. I’m supporting Dennis and I hope you support him too. Go out and vote for Dennis, he has Hamilton County on his heart and is ready to lead the Sheriff’s Department in the future.”

The support for Quakenbush is now spreading across other local agencies. Here is what Shock had to say: “I feel Dennis will make a great sheriff. He is a man of integrity and loves this community. He has always been willing to help the Sheridan Police Department in any way including training. The passion he is putting behind his campaign shows how much he cares about Hamilton County and its citizens.”

“I am honored to have the support of these remarkable public servants who work every day to keep our community safe and plan for smart growth,” said Quakenbush. “It is humbling to have the backing of the people who make Hamilton County such a great place.”

Quakenbush says this latest round of endorsements adds more momentum to his surging campaign.

“As a lifetime resident of Hamilton County, husband and father of four, keeping our families and our communities safe is a top priority of mine. Now, after serving the citizens of Hamilton County for the past 16 years, it will be in the hands of the citizens of Hamilton County on May 8,” said Quakenbush. “We are at a crossroads and while others are proposing to deviate from our current direction, I want voters to know that by voting for me on May 8, I promise to build upon the path that helped us become one of the safest and best places to live in the United States.”

4 Comments on "Six county leaders stand behind Quakenbush"

  1. Is that all? There are dozens of leaders in Hamilton County.

  2. Is there anybody that actually works for him endorsing him?

  3. To answer the question above…. no, not one that has stepped forward and none of the supervisors that report to him. That fact alone should speak volumes.

  4. To correct that answer above, yes there are supervisors AND deputies that are supporting him. However, they have chosen to not publicly endorse him in fear of the backlash from fellow deputies who endorse another deputy currently running for Sheriff. THAT alone speaks higher volumes. Same for other “leaders”, not everyone will publicly endorse any of the candidates.

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