Dani Robinson: Hamilton County through & through

Hoddy Hanna (left) and Patrick Purdue (right) stand with Dani Robinson as she receives her F.C. Tucker Associate of the Year award. (Photo provided)

Since obtaining her realtor license in 2013, Dani Robinson has risen to the top of her field, and she has done so without having a team of realtors in her office. Early this month, Robinson received multiple awards from F.C. Tucker Company, most notable of which is Associate of the Year.

These are not just local honors. Robinson is the Associate of the Year for the entire state of Indiana. She closed $30 million in sales and 65 transactions without a realty team in her office.

“I love this county, and I love serving my clients,” Robinson said. “It’s truly a joy to take people through the process and get them what their goals are. That’s what gets me out of bed every day. I love it. I love what I do.”

The real estate industry has changed in the last several years, and those changes have made realtors like Robinson more necessary.

“We’ve got a lot of new regulations and laws and interest rates and there’s all kinds of stuff happening,” Robinsons said. “I don’t think people realize how difficult the process can be. For people like me, it’s our joy to take people through that process and make it easier. So that’s me.”

While work and family keep Robinson very busy, she still finds time to give back to the community. Currently she serves as President of the Hamilton County 4-H Council. She also has nothing but good things to say about the local education system that served her and her family.

“My son got so much out of high school sports and sports in general,” Robinson said. “And my daughter, even though she wasn’t an athlete, got a lot out of the schools here. She was on the debate team, choir, and drama. Public schools have changed a lot in the last 10 years and there’s a lot of people that are not so happy with them anymore. But the staff and the coaches that I know truly have their hearts in the right place. They’re there to make things better for these kids, and I think it’s awesome. I support them any way I can.”

Robinson has lived in Hamilton County her entire life. She told The Reporter she has no desire to be anywhere else.

“I was born in Riverview Hospital,” Robinson said. “My dad was born and raised in Hamilton County. My mom was born and raised in Hamilton County. We literally live three miles from where I raised my kids now. And I live a mile from where I was raised. So I live, eat and breathe Hamilton County. I don’t really understand why anybody would live anywhere else, honestly.”

If you want to buy or sell a home, call (317) 407-6969, email DaniR@TalkToTucker.com, or visit her website at TalkToDani.com. In the online version of The Hamilton County Reporter, you can always click her ad on the first page of our sport section to be taken directly to her website.

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