What is Leadership Connection?

Connecting today’s leaders with next generation


Since 2021, Leadership Connection has been serving its mission to connect today’s leaders with the next generation to build a stronger community.

Leadership Connection provides a forum for local high school students to engage with distinguished professionals from both the private and public sectors, allowing students to build professional and personal leadership skills while providing members of our community the opportunity to positively impact the next generation.

How do they do this? Leadership Connection offers two opportunities each year for students chosen from local high schools to come together and participate in workshops and service activities that provide them exposure to what their futures could be like as they learn how they can positively impact their communities. During these events, they also hear from a keynote speaker and are mentored by representatives from local businesses.

The professionals who participate hale from both the private and public sectors, allowing students to build professional and personal leadership skills while providing members of the community the opportunity to positively impact the next generation.

Schools involved bring students from both Carmel and Indianapolis together. The students who attend qualify to apply for several Portee-Leadership Connection scholarships, which award funds to a college or trade school of the student’s choice as well as a laptop computer. This year, for the first time, there will be a Dr. Richard Markoff scholarship, to honor the gentleman who devoted his career to service and founded Leadership Connection.

Since that time, 522 juniors and seniors have participated in the program’s activities from a day of community service to Lunch with a Leader.

Attendees shared, “What I enjoyed most during this event was how we got to communicate and connect with other students from different schools. Also, how we got to meet amazing people and got to talk to adults more about what will help our future the best.”

The dates for the 2025 events are Friday, Oct. 24 for Leadership Connection Day of Service and Thursday, Nov. 6 for Leadership Connection.

Leadership Connection is a branded event of the Rotary Club of Carmel in partnership with iTeam Think Tank, Carmel Clay Schools, Carmel Fire Department, Christel House Watanabe, Brebeuf Jesuit, and Elevate Indy. Leadership Connection has also worked with over 100 businesses, community and non-profit executives and leaders since its inception.

For more information on how you can partner, volunteer for upcoming events or support Leadership Connection, visit carmelrotary.com/leadership-connection.php.

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