Kiwanis Club of Cicero learns about NICU, supports non-profit Amelia’s Miles

(From left) Cicero Kiwanis Club President Mark Bailey and Sarah and Adam Pulley, founders of Amelia’s Miles. (Photo provided)


On Saturday, March 1, members of the Cicero Kiwanis club were joined by Amelia’s Miles founders Sarah and Adam Pulley, as they shared their personal journey leading them to form an organization to support families who find themselves with a newborn infant requiring care in a neonatal intensive care unit.

Founded in 2022, Amelia’s Miles was formed in honor of their daughter’s birth and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) journey. Amelia was born much too early at just 27 weeks in 2018. She came into the world weighing 1 pound, 11 ounces and was the length of Adam’s hand. The Pulley family spent the next 125 days in the NICU. Sarah and Adam decided that once they survived and were able to take Amelia home they would find a way to give back to the community that saved Amelia’s life.

“During that time, we created strong bonds with the nurses and the staff, and recognized that Amelia might not be with us if it weren’t for them,” said Sarah, who serves as president of the organization. “Once we were all back home, we were led to give back and support other families in similar situations.”

Sarah continued, “Amelia’s Miles works directly with Community Hospital North’s NICU. We provide support, resources, and community for families who have a baby – or babies – in the unit.”

Sarah also hosts monthly baby showers for the families to come together and find commonality within their stories. During these events, families are able to share their milestones, fears, and hope among each other. The foundation also provides “receiving” blankets for use as a crib sheet to each family member that attends, as well as other prizes and treats. Amelia’s Miles also keeps the unit stocked with gas gift cards, journals, pens, books, preemie/newborn clothing, and other resources that are requested directly through the unit’s social worker.

“We were very moved by Sarah and Adam’s story and by the mission of Amelia’s Miles,” Cicero Kiwanis Club President Mark Bailey said.

Sarah’s and Adam’s goal is to continue to grow Amelia’s Miles by sharing their personal experience and connecting with others who also have a passion to give back to a unit that sees so many babies and families during possibly the hardest season of their lives.

Learn more by visiting the organization’s website,

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