The Carmel Police Department (CPD) offers the Citizen Police Academy (CPA), which is a free program that provides insight to the public on CPD’s responsibilities and operations.
CPD has designed the CPA to accomplish several goals, the most important of which is to open channels of communication between citizens and their police department. Additionally, CPD wants to develop an understanding of the police role in the community. The objective of the Academy is not to make police officers out of the graduates, but to make them better informed citizens, with an accurate knowledge of CPD’s many responsibilities and functions.
Spring 2025 Academy
Registration is now open. Click here to register.
The Spring 2025 CPA is an 11-week program and will be held on Thursday evenings from 6 to 8:30 p.m. beginning Feb. 6.
The instructors will all be members of CPD, and they will provide instruction and information concerning a particular area of their profession.
Attendees will have an opportunity to experience the “real” police department with some of the training “hands-on.”
- Feb. 6
- Feb. 13
- Feb. 20
- Feb. 27
- March 6
- March 13
- March 20
- March 27
- April 3
- April 17
- April 24
Academy requirements
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have no criminal history other than minor traffic violations (background checks will be performed)
- Be physically able to meet training requirements
- Commit to attend 11 weekly training sessions lasting 2 – 2.5 hours
- Sign any required waivers or agreements
Sample overview of course
- Week 1: Welcome, Department Overview, Introduction of Staff, Tour, Chaplain Program
- Week 2: Community Outreach Programs, Complaints/Accreditation
- Week 3: Use of Force
- Week 4: Operations Division, Observation of Police Vehicle/Traffic Division Motorcycle/Command Vehicle
- Week 5: Recruitment/Hiring/FTO/ILEA, SFST’s-OWI, DRE
- Week 6: Support Division, SRO
- Week 7: Criminal Investigations Division, Crime Scenes
- Week 8: Criminal Intelligence, Special Investigations Division, Drug Enforcement
- Week 9: SWAT, Negotiator, ERG
- Week 10: Mental Health & IDs, K-9 Demonstrations
- Week 11: Graduation
Click here for more information.
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