Dr. Forgey: keep Noblesville Schools on top, vote for Crosser & Lambert

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I’m writing in response to a recent letter from a fellow school board member. I respect everyone’s right to support who they want for school board, but I don’t agree with how this letter talked about current school board members Christi Crosser and Stephanie Lambert.

I’ve been proud to serve the Noblesville community for over 40 years. I’ve been school board president and have been on the board for six years. I can tell you that Christi and Stephanie are hard workers who go above and beyond serving students, teachers, and parents. They mentor kids, volunteer at events, study data, ask questions, go to professional training, and make sure Dr. Hile and his team are doing a good job with learning, finances, and policies.

Our tax rate has dropped for six years in a row and we’re paying down our debt. ILEARN scores are just one piece of academics, but even on those tests we’re in the top 10 percent of schools in the state. Our kids are doing great in school, not just on tests, but also in real-world college and career training. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’d put our schools up against any schools anywhere.

It’s not right to say that our district isn’t academically strong or that we aren’t making good financial decisions for taxpayers. It’s wrong to say that Christi and Stephanie aren’t working hard or that they aren’t focused on students, staff and the public.

As a board we may not always agree with one another and that’s OK but you can’t change the facts. We are one of the tops in the state for financial management! One of the tops in the state for academic accomplishments! One of the tops in the state for athletics! One of the tops in the state for career training! One of the tops in the U.S. for STEM! One for the tops in the U.S. for music! One of the tops in the U.S. for best employers!

If you want to keep our schools on top you need to vote to re-elect Christi Crosser and Stephanie Lambert!

Go Millers!

Dr. Joe Forgey
Noblesville School Board