Good News from the Stony Creek Church of Christ

Is the Bible a blessing or a burden?

Some of you grew up hearing a preacher say, “Thou shalt … thou shalt not.” Then your parents would tell you, “Do this … don’t do that.” You were expected to follow all these rules. But if you asked, “Why is that a rule?” they would say, “Because God said so” or “because I say so.”

Many of you grew increasingly frustrated because you never really understood WHY these were rules. Some of you did not grow up going to church, but you knew kids who did and never understood WHY so many rules. Because of that, many think God’s commandments are just a burden rather than a blessing.

However, the truth is that God is God, and we are not. He has both the right and the ability to command us because He is our Creator and understands what is best for us. Please know there are many groups who have made up their own rules and traditions they impose on their members. Additions to (or subtractions from) the word of God are not God’s rules but man’s. The Bible thoroughly equips us with every command (work) God wants us to follow (2 Tim 3:16-17). He has given us all we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

So, why follow the Bible? Why God’s commands?

God’s rules are based on principles of God’s character.

God did not write a bunch of arbitrary rules, but every precept (general rules intended to regulate behavior or thought) is based upon a characteristic of God Himself. For instance, in Ephesians 4:25 God commands us to put away lying and to speak truth. Why truth? Because honesty and truth come from a real place. Truthfulness is not some concept developed in someone’s mind but of an actual Being. The Bible says, “God is truth.” Jesus says, “I am the truth.” Honesty exists in creation because it is a characteristic of its Creator, and that is why God gives rules about being truthful.

That is why mercy is right, and being merciless is wrong because God is merciful. Fairness is commanded because God is just. Purity is right, and promiscuity is wrong because God is holy and pure. Love is right and hate is wrong because God is love. That is true of nearly every precept God gives us.

God’s rules are given to provide and protect us.

We have talked about God’s moral laws. Now let us look at other laws like assembling with saints, partaking of the Lord’s Supper, etc. These laws are intended to do one of two things for us: provide or protect.

Ever noticed the devil came on the scene for the purpose of challenging that? In Genesis 2:15-17 God gave man positive commands: Tend this. Eat from all these trees. If you cultivate this garden, you can have substance to live. If you eat from the Tree of Life, you will live forever. He was trying to provide something for them. But He also gave them a negative command: Do not eat from this tree because when you do you will die. In Genesis 3:1-5, the devil’s lie is this: No, you will not. God either does not care about you, or he is lying to you. He is just trying to keep you from something greater. Is that not the way some look at God’s rules? But the Bible begins with God telling us His commands are to provide and protect us. That is what good parents do. While there are parents more concerned about themselves than the well-being of their children, God is NOT like that. When God gives rules, they are always for our good (cf. Dt 10:12-13).

1 John 5:3 says, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” When I was a kid, children would make fun of me because I would not party, cuss, or do other things they did. They thought I was strange (1 Peter 4:4-5) and at that time God’s rules seemed like a huge burden in my life – until I grew up and saw God’s commandments for what they really are. God’s not a monster. God’s not trying to ruin my fun or my life. God loves me more than anyone else ever will. So, He speaks to me. He tells me some things not to do and some things to do because He wants to protect and provide for me.

He loves you and wants to do the same for you. Did you realize that?

Visitors are welcome and valued. We meet at 15530 Herriman Blvd., Noblesville. Our phone number is (317) 219-5852. We meet for Sunday morning Bible Study at 10 a.m. and have classes for all ages. Worship begins at 11 a.m. and we have a Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m. A warm welcome awaits!

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