Noblesville reader: if you want better schools, vote Dawson, Hanley & Helvey

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Dear Editor:

This year’s election is bringing many voters to the polls for early voting. Of course, the fact that it is a presidential election adds major interest to this election season. However, there are other important contests throughout the state, Hamilton County, and the city of Noblesville.

One contest that is close to the heads and hearts for the parents of school-age children is the election of school board members to the Noblesville School Board. They have questions. One of them concerns the effectiveness of the curriculum being used. Does it offer the students the best educational opportunity we can give them? If it is good, then why are Noblesville students not performing at a level of accomplishment commensurate with the other large school systems in Hamilton County? Why does our school system rank fourth of the six school systems in the county?

Some voters are primarily interested in the School Board election as taxpayers who want to be sure their tax dollars are being wisely appropriated and have some concerns regarding this.

If our dollars are being wisely spent and teachers are being supplied with all they need to teach, then why aren’t the results of statewide evaluations showing it?

Dave Dawson, Alison Hanley, and Brad Helvey are poised to look with openness. They have every reason to look at the issues facing our schools with eyes wide open and ready to discern the most effective ways to move forward.

Those who developed the current system have no incentive to make the changes necessary for improvement. They are satisfied with their decisions and the fourth place we hold in the county.

For better Noblesville Schools – vote Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey for Noblesville School Board!

Yvonne Irish

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