Noblesville teacher: vote Helvey for school board

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Dear Editor:

I have dedicated my life to the students of Noblesville Schools. This is my 16th year of teaching, coaching, and sponsoring student-led clubs. What’s best for the students is what drives me.

To continue doing what is best for the students, I need to see those on the school board as capable, driven, engaged persons who will provide the background support and strong foundations for the teachers and staff to best facilitate the growth and learning of Noblesville’s youth.

There are six candidates for three seats on the Noblesville School Board. Brad Helvey is one of the clear choices to fill this board. He may be listed as part of a slate on the signs seen, but I would not vote for the slate – only Helvey and then two from the other slate.

Voters of Noblesville, please understand this. Your choice to vote for Brad Helvey does not mean you have to pick the other two on that slate.

I first met Brad as the parent of a student on a team I work with. I have seen him in action as one of the most involved parents that help move the opportunities forward for the growth of these athletes. Since then he and I have met over coffee to discuss the ins and outs of the school district. I left that conversation very excited about the possibility of seeing him in a decision-making capacity for this district.

Having watched the School Board candidates’ panel has further solidified my confidence in Brad Helvey’s capacity to keep this district strong and moving in the right direction. I encourage everyone with a stake in Noblesville Schools to watch the panel. You will see how deep Brad’s knowledge of this district is. It’s clear he has had coffee chats with many folks and done his part to understand the needs and inner workings of the district.

Brad Helvey is poised to be a very engaged and effective member for the district!

Carrie Huffman

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