Voter: Common sense of Crosser, Lambert & Richardson make them best suited for Noblesville school board

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Dear Editor:

I’m writing to express my support of Christi Crosser, Stephanie Lambert, and Bret Richardson for election to Noblesville School Board. Crosser and Lambert are running for re-election while Richardson is running for election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024.

This is a critical election and the consequences of not electing Crosser, Lambert, and Richardson to our school board has never been higher. I encourage you to consider the following points prior to casting your vote on Nov. 5.

  1. Common Sense Leadership

As a longtime Noblesville resident, 2001 NHS graduate, and parent of four current Noblesville School District students, having school board members with common sense is extremely important to me. The school board’s role is to ensure that the students within our community receive the very best education possible. Everything else comes after that. I can say, without hesitation, that the education my children are receiving today in Noblesville is light years better than what was provided to me just a few years ago and some of the very best in the country. I appreciate the commonsense leadership brought to the table by Crosser, Lambert and Richardson. Their ability to prevent the crazy social issues and other nonsense from distracting their true duties is commendable.

  1. Results Speak Volumes

Under Crosser and Lambert’s exceptional leadership Noblesville Schools has received state and national recognition, including being named a Top Employer in America by Forbes and achieving a Standard & Poor’s AA financial rating. They have also secured record salary and benefit increases for teachers while maintaining the lowest school tax rate since 2012. Richardson is a sixth-generation Noblesville resident who brings 40-plus years of local business leadership and community involvement. Together these three candidates are committed to providing our students the very best resources in a fiscally responsible manner.

  1. Endorsed by Noblesville Teachers

On Sept. 17, the Noblesville Teachers Forum, the exclusive voice of Noblesville teachers, announced that they were proudly endorsing Crosser, Lambert, and Richardson for School Board. It speaks volumes that our educators view these candidates as the best choice for our school district, and it’s easy to see why. All three candidates are extremely involved in our school district and are Miller Ambassador Program graduates, Noblesville Schools student mentors, and serve together on the Noblesville Schools Educational Foundation with Richardson serving as the current President. Crosser, Lambert and Richardson have a very strong pulse on the issues facing our school district and are committed to helping our district in ways well beyond the school board.

We are extremely fortunate to live in a community that values common sense – especially when it comes to the education of our children. Unfortunately, we don’t have to look very far to see other school districts that aren’t in such an envious position. Several have allowed radical social topics to divide their communities and distract from the true role of a school board. We can’t allow that to happen in Noblesville and that is why I strongly encourage you to vote for Christi Crosser, Stephanie Lambert, and Bret Richardson on Nov. 5!

Greg Conner
Noblesville resident & 2001 NHS graduate

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