Noblesville reader cites firsthand experience in urging you to vote for Crosser, Lambert & Richardson for school board

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Dear Editor:

With the elections coming up so quickly, I am writing in support of three candidates for the Noblesville School Board.

Christi Crosser, Stephanie Lambert, and Bret Richardson have all demonstrated a passion for our schools and our community. Christi and Stephanie have both served on the school board and have done fantastic work. All three have been part of the fabric of our community for many years.

Our schools in Noblesville are on one our biggest assets. To continue to do so we need school board members that put our students, our schools, and our teachers first. Christi, Stephanie, and Bret will do just that.

My family has seen firsthand how great our schools are and with their leadership, our schools will continue to thrive.

I hope you will join me in voting for each of them for school board on Nov. 5.

Jeff Armstrong

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