President Trump visit to highlight local graduation


A visit to Hamilton County by President Donald Trump is tentatively scheduled for late May or early June. An anonymous, but reliable source in Washington has revealed the president will speak at the high school graduation ceremonies of a yet to be named Hamilton County high school.

Trump apparently asked his staff to find an area where there is a cluster of highly successful high schools, then choose one at which to speak while making reference to neighboring schools that also have high academic achievement rates.

Also, no doubt figuring into the decision is the fact that Hamilton County is considered friendly territory for a Republican president. Presidential aides are known to want no problem with protesters at Trump’s appearance which will be billed as a salute to education and not a political rally.

The decision on which school will be chosen for the visit is not expected to be announced until a few days before graduation. The appearance will be the first visit here by a sitting president since Bill Clinton attended a golf tourney at Crooked Stick Country Club in the mid-1990s.

All county high schools have higher graduation rates and test scores than the national average. Several have been designated Blue Ribbon schools. If Trump wants a small school, Sheridan with about 75 graduates would be a likely choice. If he’d prefer a very large school, Carmel with more than 1,000 seniors is the obvious choice.

In his remarks at a graduation ceremony, the president can be expected to tout academic achievement and extra-curricular participation along with parent involvement and a safe learning environment as methods for achieving a good secondary education.

It all sounds logical and certainly Hamilton County is the place that Trump would want to deliver his message. Don’t we wish it was all going to happen? But, this being April 1, we unfortunately can’t believe it. Sorry about that … April Fools.