Fishers Police to citizens: Be vigilant

Fishers is a very safe place, and it is to its credit that crime is rare. However, that doesn’t mean crime is totally absent. I was reminded of that during a recent chat with Police Sergeant Tom Weger, the media relations point person for local law enforcement.

Sergeant Weger talked about how people living in certain neighborhoods have a tendency to leave valuable items in their unlocked vehicles, which is an invitation for someone with evil intent to steal your valuables. Keeping your items in the trunk is not a guarantee the thieves will leave you alone, but it greatly lowers your probabilities of being a crime victim.

A good example of keeping valuables out of sight would be garage door openers. Never have your garage door opener in your car parked on the street or in a driveway.

Living in a low-crime city is a good thing, but letting down your guard on basic prevention steps is not the way to act. Let’s keep Fishers a low-crime area by using some common sense.