Reader foresees legal battles over Carmel rental ban

Dear Editor:

Regarding the March 29 article on Carmel at odds with the state’s new law allowing short term rentals for primary property, I agree with Jeff Worrell and what I understand to be Carmel’s position against this law.

While we are not residents of Carmel it won’t be long before we see this trend in other communities given this state law. Perhaps this might work in urban condo settings but we do not live in an environment today where I think we should be comfortable with the comings and goings of strangers at all hours of the day and night! That certainly seems contrary to the government’s admonition of citizens, “If You See Something, Say Something”!

The interview and report of David McGuire’s statement that he knows people that have “made pretty good money” would seem to emphasize the motivation for any homeowner. I am disappointed that lawmakers put the heavy hand of the state on what I believe clearly should be a local ordinance. So now it will probably require costly legal battles to resolve conflicts with suburban community association rules and this new state law.

George Hodgson
