Downtown Noblesville getting new art gallery

J. Rodney Reveal Studios at 942 Maple Ave., Noblesville, will hold a Grand Opening celebration from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14 in Noblesville Old Town District.

This new gallery features oil and watercolor paintings by J. Rodney Reveal, bronze and aluminum sculpture by Kenneth G. Rydén, and wood carvings by Deb Wofford. The gallery also features a custom frame shop.

The public is invited to attend this event. Light refreshments will be served. The gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday by appointment.

About the artists

Reveal has been a creator of fine art for more than 50 years. He specializes in oil and watercolor paintings that capture his highly sensitive observations and feelings to nature and place. His works are represented in public and private collections throughout the United States, Europe, Brazil, and Mexico. He also served as a Noblesville firefighter for 30 years.

Rydén is a Chicago-born sculptor. He has been tenured at several universities as artist-in-residence and faculty member. He is known for site-specific monumental sculptures as well as pedestal-sized works in bronze, aluminum and other materials. His numerous sculptures are in private and public collections throughout the Midwest and other regions. His work ranges in style from highly representational to fanciful abstractions. He has called Old Town Noblesville his home for the past five years.

Wofford is a professional wood-carver with more than 35 years of experience competing in juried art fairs throughout the Midwest. Her wood sculptures include custom bas-relief carvings, carving in the round and her own personal creation of the “Friendship Spoon.” She is also an experienced custom framer of fine art.

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