Schwartz makes his case for Council

Dear Editor:

I appreciate everyone’s thoughts and kind words regarding the negative Letter to the Editor that came out last week. I run my campaign with pride and integrity. No matter what is said, that won’t stop me from working hard or take away from the successes that have occurred while I’ve been in office.

One of the goals and commitments I made 15 years ago when I became a Hamilton County Councilman was to meet with, ride along or just listen to the employees in each Hamilton County Department. So for the last 180 months, I’ve met with one department each month. I’ve done countless snow plow ride-alongs, filled potholes, jail visits and more. Do I take pictures each time I do this? No. But, we live in a visual world. Residents and voters have the right to see what I do as a councilman to make an informed vote.

Yes, I go to county events, groundbreakings, and work with other elected Hamilton County officials to ensure that Hamilton County remains one of the best places to live in America. That’s part of my job as a councilman … to work for the people of Hamilton County.

These aren’t “fake” pictures. They are very real. I’m proud of the work all of the elected officials have accomplished in our county. I encourage you to learn more about other candidates running for positions in our county. What have THEY been doing the last 180 months?

Steve Schwartz

Hamilton County Councilman