Three candidates attend Lincoln Day Dinner together

The County Line

The Hamilton County Republican Committee achieved what few others have done when all three candidates for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate were assembled at a Lincoln Day Dinner forum this week. The annual dinner honoring the first Republican president was held Thursday night at the 502 East Event Center in Carmel.

The Indiana Debate Commission has tried to get the three senatorial candidates to appear together, but were unable to do so when Rep. Todd Rokita refused to join with the other candidates, Rep. Luke Messer and Mike Braun.

The forum was not billed as a debate although the format resembled one. The senatorial race for the nomination will be decided in the May 8 primary election.

Candidates made opening statements and then answered questions centered on who would be best to successfully challenge incumbent Democrat Sen. Joe Donnelly. Braun, not considered a leader in the race at present, tried to contrast himself from the others by saying he was an “outsider” not tied to the establishment.

The hopefuls all pointed out how another Republican senator could potentially make the difference on legislation favored by the Trump administration. The Senate is currently controlled by a thin 51-49 GOP majority.

About 400 Republican faithful attended the dinner party. Capturing as much attention as the forum was the one-on-one campaigning by local candidates seeking support in the all-important GOP primary.

Candidates for county sheriff, Superior Court judge, county council and various other offices roamed the banquet hall seeking to meet, greet and win over party workers and leaders.

Lincoln Day is something of a kick-off of the local campaign in election years. The party’s hardcore supporters and donors attend often wanting to see the candidates in person. All current officeholders and candidates who attended were introduced to the crowd. The dinner party is sponsored by the GOP Central Committee chaired by Laura Campbell.