Reader: Career politician is trying to fool you

Dear Editor:

I have noticed lately one specific politician popping up in an awful lot of photos and articles recently. What can we attribute this to? Could it be that he is running for re-election in a contested election? Steve Schwartz has been on the Hamilton County Council for 16 years. Have you ever seen him out with the county highway department filling potholes before last week? The picture of him doing it shows him in his bright white tennis shoes, no asphalt or tar on those shoes.

He is also in the photo for the solar power “investment,” the only councilor in the photo, along with the three County Commissioners who want to keep his locked-up vote on the council. Do you think he was the only councilor who voted for it? No, it took at least four votes to approve.

Recently he popped up in Washington, D.C., to do “county business.” In the history of the county council has there ever been a county councilor go to Washington, D.C., paid for by the county? Not only did he go, but all three County Commissioners went as well. Do you see a pattern here? Not sure why any had to go at all, when we already have a representative in Washington to advocate for us. But if it was necessary, couldn’t just one person go and do the job instead of taxpayers footing the bill for all four?

Mr. Schwartz was recently made council president. That is traditionally a rotational position and it was his turn. Even though it is rotational, several fellow councilmen voted against him taking that position. Apparently, they did not support him in that position. Seeing these cheap political stunts, I see why.

Our Hamilton County government has been run by folks comfortably presiding for many years: Commissioner Steve Dillinger for 32 years, Commissioner Christine Altman for 22 years, and Steve Schwartz for 16 years. They have become out of touch with taxpayers. They will do whatever it takes to stay in power, even if that means arranging phony photo ops for their political partners. Just because they can doesn’t mean we have to accept it. Watch for more fake photo ops from Mr. Schwartz and every time you see one remember he is just trying to fool you into voting for him. And ask yourself, “who does Mr. Schwartz truly work for: You the taxpayer and voter, or the Commissioners?”

Nick Gomillion

A concerned Noblesville taxpayer