Hamilton County Republican Chairman calls for serious examination of President Biden’s fitness for office

Submitted by Hamilton County Republican Party

In light of Thursday’s verbal missteps by President Joe Biden, Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman Mario Massillamany is calling for a serious examination of the President’s cognitive fitness for office.


“The American people deserve a leader who can represent our nation with clarity and precision on the world stage,” Massillamany said. “President Biden’s recent gaffes, confusing Ukrainian President Zelensky with Russian President Putin at a NATO conference, and referring to Vice President Harris as ‘Vice President Trump,’ raise alarming questions about his mental acuity and ability to lead effectively.”

“These are not mere slips of the tongue,” Massillamany continued. “Mistaking our ally for our adversary in a high-stakes diplomatic setting and confusing his own Vice President’s identity are deeply troubling errors that could have serious consequences for our national security and international relations.”

The Chairman emphasized that the presidency demands unwavering focus and mental sharpness, especially in times of global tension.

“We cannot afford to have a Commander-in-Chief who struggles to differentiate between world leaders or remember key members of his own administration,” Massillamany said.

“I urge both Democratic and Republican leaders to put partisanship aside and seriously consider whether President Biden is fit to continue serving in this crucial role. The stakes are simply too high to ignore these red flags,” Massillamany concluded.

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