Carmel Parks seeks community input through Master Plan naming contest

Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) invites the public to participate in naming the department’s five-year Master Plan through a one-week contest.

The new plan identifies the current and future needs of the community, updates service standards, assesses the financial strength of the department and provides a strategic plan with five-year implementation goals and objectives. The Master Plan represents the department’s continued commitment to providing a quality park and recreation system for the City of Carmel.

“A Master Plan really sets the stage for the overall direction and major decisions that our department will make over the next five years,” said Michael Klitzing, Chief Operating Officer for CCPR. “Our focus with this Master Plan will be to make improvements and updates that will have a positive impact now, and be sustainable for generations to come. Since the entire Master Plan is grounded in public input, it only makes sense to involve the community in the naming of the actual document.”

Participants have until 10 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, March 21, to submit names, then the Master Plan Project Team will select up to five finalists which will be posted on the department’s Facebook page, @CarmelClayParks, for the public to vote until March 27.

The Grand Prize Winner will receive a free cabana rental at The Waterpark, including four day passes to the Monon Community Center/The Waterpark along with name recognition on the Master Plan website and social media.

Visit to learn more or to submit an entry into the naming contest.