Spreading joy to your customers: knock their socks off thank yous

We’re continuing our discussion about how to spread joy to customers by being creative when thanking them. Last week I covered thank you notes. This week I’ll highlight other, simple things we can do to make a customer’s day.

Send or Share a Photo

This thank you method is probably the simplest of all, but it is my favorite way to show appreciation to customers – or really, anyone. When I worked for the City of Noblesville, I ordered a large “thank you” sign from our Logan Street Signs and Banners. At the time it cost $30.

Whenever we received a grant for a piece of equipment, project, or program, I would gather the appropriate staff to have them hold that sign and take their picture. This was fun for both us and the recipient!

Show Versus Tell

If there’s any way to show a customer how much of an impact they’re making versus just telling them, take advantage of it. Here are some ideas:

  1. If you’re a nonprofit, host an open house one day where your donors can see programs they helped fund in action.
  2. Perhaps your business has experienced tremendous growth. Give your existing customers the chance to have a “sneak preview” one evening of, for example, the new physical therapy wing in your building.
  3. Customer site visits for a variety of places can be fun for everyone involved. If you manufacture a product, open your door once a month for some guided public tours.

News Releases & Social Media

This thank you method might be appropriate for only specific types of industries or organizations, but it’s a simple one if you have a public relations person or department.

Mention Customers in an Annual Report or Newsletter

Some of us might remember the excitement of seeing our photo and an article about us in the local paper growing up. It was always a thrill to open the newspaper and see myself on stage in my high school play, on the tennis court during an intense match, or leading a fundraiser in college.

Why not feature customers in your annual report or newsletter? If you have way too many customers to mention them all, you can do a “customer of the year” or “customer of the month” corner with a photo and brief paragraph.

Artwork/Thank You from Children or Clients Served

Once again, this may only work for certain workplaces, but sharing artwork or thank you notes from children or clients served all because of your customers is one of the most memorable ways to show appreciation.

Tree or Shrub Planting

If you do any sort of yearly improvements for your landscaping, this is almost a no-brainer. When you plant that new tree or shrub, why not order a durable outdoor plaque recognizing an outstanding customer to be placed in front of it?

* * *

Next week we’ll wrap up how to spread joy to customers through “thank yous” with some ideas that take a bit more effort but offer tremendous benefits!

Amy Shankland is a writer and fundraising professional living in Noblesville with her husband John, two sons, two dogs, and a cat. You can reach her via email at amys@greenavenue.info.

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