Senator Braun leads bipartisan bill to train more Hoosiers for good-paying jobs


On Thursday, U.S. Senators Mike Braun (R-Ind.) and Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) introduced the Pathways to Prosperity Act. This bill is designed to strengthen America’s workforce development pipeline between community/technical colleges and good-paying jobs from local employers.

The bipartisan Pathways to Prosperity Act expands the existing Strengthening Community Colleges Grant Program. This federal program provides competitive grants to community/technical colleges to support partnerships with employers. These partnerships align workforce development programs in community/technical colleges to local industry needs. The idea is to establish, improve, or expand high-quality workforce development programs to get more Hoosiers into jobs that require skills training.

Sen. Braun also authored the JOBS Act with Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), which would make it possible to use Pell Grants for career and technical education programs.

“There are many good-paying jobs out there that go unfilled because of a lack of skills and career/technical training,” Sen. Braun said. “This bill will help close the gap and give more Hoosiers access to skills training programs that will put them on the path to a better career and higher pay for their families.”

Specifically, the Pathways to Prosperity Act of 2024 would provide funding to:

  • Set up, enhance, or broaden the quality of educational or career training initiatives at community colleges
  • Enhance opportunities for individuals to attain nationally or regionally recognized postsecondary credentials in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or occupations
  • Develop or scale up career training, career pathways, or work-based learning options like apprenticeships
  • Assist individuals with barriers to employment with accessing programs
  • Provide support services to help participants complete education and training

Click here to read the full text of the bill.

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