Chairman Mario Massillamany condemns “failed Democrat immigration policies” after trafficking incident involving Indiana teen

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Dear Editor:

Editor’s note: In the wake of a harrowing incident involving a 14-year-old girl from Cass County, Ind, Hamilton County Republican Chairman Mario Massillamany today expressed his deep concern and condemnation of what he calls the Biden administration’s failed immigration policies. Five men, believed to be in the United States illegally from Honduras and Mexico, are currently in jail in Missouri, accused of trafficking the young girl. Police reports indicate that the men kidnapped her and were planning to transport her to California.

This tragic event is a stark reminder of the real and present dangers posed by the current administration’s lax and ineffective immigration policies. Our community, like many others across the nation, is suffering the consequences of open borders and inadequate enforcement measures.

There are the critical points of failure in the Biden administration’s approach to immigration:

  1. Weak Border Security: The administration’s inability to maintain strong and secure borders has allowed dangerous individuals to enter and operate within our country.
  2. Inadequate Enforcement of Immigration Laws: The lack of rigorous enforcement and deportation of individuals who are in the country illegally has exacerbated safety concerns for American citizens.
  3. Failure to Protect Vulnerable Populations: The administration’s policies have left children and other vulnerable groups exposed to the risks of trafficking and exploitation by criminal elements.
  4. Increased Crime Rates: The influx of illegal immigrants has been correlated with a rise in criminal activities, including drug trafficking, human trafficking, and violent crimes.
  5. Strain on Local Communities: Local law enforcement agencies and community resources are overwhelmed and underfunded, struggling to cope with the increased burden imposed by the federal government’s immigration failures.

We need immediate action and comprehensive reform to address these critical issues. We must prioritize the safety and security of our citizens. This means enforcing our immigration laws, securing our borders, and providing our law enforcement agencies with the resources they need to protect our communities.

Mario Massillamany
Hamilton County Republican Chairman

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