Noblesville girls lacrosse splits games with Zionsville

The Noblesville girls lacrosse teams traveled to Zionsville on Thursday for a tough match up.  The varsity teams had previously tied in a pre-season scrimmage, leaving the fans and players with the expectation of a tough matchup.
The Millers varsity team kept the game close in the first half until the Eagles scored three goals in the last 3:05 of the game, including two with under 30 seconds to go to make the halftime score 9-5 in favor of Zionsville. Noblesville made a run of its own in the last four minutes of the second half, but fell short by the score of 14-11.
Offensively, the Millers were lead by junior Kat Green and freshman Emma Potter, both scoring three goals.  Their team defense re-grouped at halftime and limited the Eagles to only five goals in the second half. The varsity is now 1-2-1 for the season.
Noblesville’s junior varsity team came out strong defeated the Eagles 9-3. Offensively, the Millers were led by junior Ryan Wheeler and freshmen Reece Wheeler and Meagan Wernke, who all scored two goals during the game.  Noblesville controlled the defensive side by allowing only four shots on goal, intercepting two passes (one each by freshman Maddie Christie and sophomore Katie Morris) and tallying nine groundball pickups. The JV is now 1-1 for the season.
The Millers varsity team will host Westminster Christian Academy (Mo.) at 10 a.m. this morning at Hare Chevrolet Field.  Both the JV and varsity will host Guerin Catholic on Monday, also at Hare Chevrolet Field.